What is PGatoCommunity?

When we first started this project, all we knew is that we wanted to create “something” that we would use as a platform to help people in need, we wanted to continue with Martha’s legacy, and at the same time, we wanted to start a movement that invited people to start looking for something bigger than themselves: a group, a team, a community, and that’s what we’re working for every day in PGato Community. (PGato Co.)

In this modern times, we’re all used to build for ourselves, we work to get more money, to buy more things, to travel to more places, to have a “better life” and ultimately to find happiness, as if happiness was something you get somewhere, you discover or buy.

And that’s okay! I mean, it’s great to be building something for yourself and your family, but there’s more you can do in life, and sometimes that happiness we’re all looking for can be hidden in helping others and giving back even a bit of everything life has given us.

Social media is another an illusion (or trap) in which the new generations are investing all their time, energy and mental resources, they keep consuming information and more information and much more information, and sometimes they forget to do, to act, to create things in the real world, where they find themselves facing anxiety and depression because of all the pressure technology generates in them with superficial stuff.

All of the above are just a couple of important reasons why we think a community is a great way of transforming ourselves, and at the same time we can transform the lives of people around us. Sometimes we forget that we can impact on others, through knowledge, experience, art, altruism, and things that make us connect again, with ourselves, with the people around, with the world.

Categories: Noticias

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