Oklahoma City Event

It’s been a couple of months now since we launched this amazing community and brand, that was created to help the homeless population. Starting in Oklahoma City, looking forward to growing soon to more states in the US, where there are more than 500,000 homeless people and hopefully getting to Mexico and Latin America, where millions of people struggle with getting food, water and basic needs in many communities.

Since we started this project, we really wanted to create a first solid event, where we could start working together as a team, gathering all the givers in the community to create opportunities and a different reality for those in need. We thought about starting in Christmas, but it was too soon… so we thought: Why not Valentine's day!

February 14th is a day when we give and receive love, what a better way to start with our PGato events on that day, right? We talked with some amazing people and managed to team up with FreshFit 405 and The Homeless Alliance to do something great where we can throw a big event.

How can you help us?

Sponsoring the Oklahoma Event as a person only costs 200 dollars, and you’ll be feeding and clothing 15 people in the event. It’s not just changing Valentine’s day for them, you’ll be changing their week, their month, and even their year. Because we’re working on projects that not only will get them food and clothes on the events, but that will create opportunities for them in the long run.

As a sponsor of the event, you’ll get an incredible limited edition PGato hoodie that only the true givers will receive. There’s only a limited number of sponsors, join us!

Sponsoring as a company is another option, and if you’re willing to work
with us as a team to develop programs, please contact us and let’s change the game together!

In PGatoCo, we’re working on different ideas, projects, and strategies that can consolidate a great community of givers that can start taking action to make things better in this world.

Become something bigger than yourself.
PGato Co.

Categories: Noticias

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