The story behind the brand

It all started years ago, when Martha, a Mexican immigrant in the United States, left all behind to start again, in a new country, with new people, different culture and new opportunities in the horizon.

She lived a passionate life with many ups and downs, laughs and tears. Her life took her on many adventures including being on a soap opera, teaching, traveling, and at the same time she lived painful and extremely difficult experiences that really made her realize how delicate life is. She lost her daughter in a car accident and then, one of her two sons due to a tragic death. Loosing children is the worst nightmare a human being can experience, they say; and Martha lived it twice.

Valencia (Spain), was one of her favorite places on earth. She would always talk about how people in that city on the coast had GRIT, and how they were forged with a pirate attitude towards life. She loved that because in the depths of her soul; that’s who she was.

She was tough. She was a fighter. And she loved people. Martha was especially caring when it came to those that needed help, and I remember us frequently feeding the homeless during the holidays. We would gather food and make meals for people and then head out to the streets to share and exchange for smiles from them. In the end, the happiest one, was Martha and then us, her family. I loved this about my grandmother and these actions have helped to shape me and my passion for giving back.

The family and close people knew that Martha was not a cat lady. She would often be heard around her house yelling “Aye Pinche Gato!”. One of her favorite phrases, that made me laugh since I was a young kid. That was her...loving, feisty, and funny. And late, when nobody was seeing, she would feed the cats too…

That’s why we’re creating this project, PGato stands for Pinche Gato and the CO. in the end means community, because that’s what my family and I want to create in order to maintain Marthas legacy of living and enjoying life, helping those in need, giving back and most of all, becoming something bigger than ourselves.

Categories: Noticias

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